- What is Alico, Inc.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol ALCO.
- Does Alico, Inc. pay a cash dividend?
Alico currently pays a quarterly cash dividend.
- Where is Alico, Inc. located?
Alico's corporate headquarters are located in Fort Myers, Florida. The mailing address is:
10070 Daniels Interstate Court
Suite 200
Fort Myers, FL 33913- When is Alico, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
September 30th
- Who is Alico, Inc.'s transfer agent?
250 Royall Street
Canton, MA 02021
T: (800) 568-3476- Who is Alico, Inc.'s independent auditor?
Grant Thornton LLP
- Who can I contact for general information about Alico, Inc.?
Alico, Inc.
c/o Corporate Secretary
10070 Daniels Interstate Court
Suite 200
Fort Myers, FL 33913
(239) 226-2000- How do I get the latest updates regarding Alico, Inc.?
Investors and others should note that we announce material financial information to our investors on our website, SEC filings, press releases, public conference calls and webcasts.
- Does Alico, Inc. have a direct stock purchase plan or dividend reinvestment plan?
Our transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A., sponsors and administers the Computershare DirectStock Plan. The plan offers direct stock purchase and dividend reinvestment and is available to our current shareholders as well as new investors. Enrollment and all transactions are made in a secure online environment. An initial purchase may be made with as little as $25.00. You can obtain information about Computershare DirectStock by going to https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/DirectStock/Index and selecting the Alico logo.